
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Our Christmas activities start tomorrow and go through Saturday so we'll be busy busy! I love the Christmastime, but more importantly i love knowing that we were given the best gift of all through Jesus Christ being born! We are so blessed just having all our family and friends! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
HEHE I've been NAUGHTY this year! She is a jolly baby!

Photo shoot at our house!

He loves his Santa!

LOL Not sure what to think about this look!

Merry Christmas from The Careys!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy 3 months!

Happy 3 months to Shelby yesterday! She's a TOTALLY different baby now and this first picture defines how she acts most of the time now-happy! Her colic is officially gone-praise the lord! That was a VERY trying time for John and I and i know some babies have it a month longer than she did, so we are thankful! Her reflux is definitely still present, but we did take her off her meds and she can manage it. You can still tell that she's uncomfortable at some feedings, but she doesn't cry afterwards like she did at first. She definitely still spits-A LOT! But we are hoping she'll outgrow this soon too.
Some new things you are doing this month:
-you are really trying to talk, not sure what you are trying to say, but you are very vocal at times.
-you laughed out loud for the first time Friday night at Pops and Grams house. One of my most favorite sounds in the world!
-you are really aware of your hands now. Still mostly sucking on them. You haven't put them in front of your face and stared at them, but I'm sure its coming soon.
-you are sleeping usually from 9PM-4AM. Still on the couch with either mommy or daddy. I think you have gotten used to the softness of the couch because you don't like your crib at all.
-you have rolled over from tummy to back a handful of times now. and you are getting really good at lifting your head on your stomach.
-you are a really good shopping buddy. We go to the store and you love being in the Baby Bjorn. You actually fell asleep one day.
-your hair is falling out pretty quickly. I'm almost positive it's going to come back blonde as i can see some new baby hairs underneath. We are still guessing about your eyes though.
-you are too sweet and we love you!
Happy Baby

Not sure what this look is all about! HAHA