HELLO HELLO Well we survived our first long road trip to Panama City Beach, FL last week. We left at 2AM both going and coming, so Mitchell slept for the most of the ride. Hopefully we won't have to do that next year though. Mitchell really liked the sand, but I think he most enjoyed playing with his toys at the edge of the pool. He also really liked Shipwreck Island. There was this submarine that had a tunnel in the middle of it with water shooting down. He just kept sticking his hand over the hole.
He also took 4-5 steps three seperate times, but the next day he was back to just moving one foot at a time. I guess he was just feeling extra courageous that day. He also got a molar in this week and is working on all of the other three i believe, so he hasn't been quite himself the past week, but under the circumstances, I think he's been pretty good.
Well here are a few pictures, 2 more days and Mitchell will be a year old...WOW!
Chillin' in his new float!
Sunning with Great-Aunt Sissy!
Hey, you gotta get the kid to the pool somehow.
This is where Mitchell's highchair was all week long (out on the balcony) We figured this was the safest place, so we knew we would get our deposit back HAHA
Mitchell playing with Nolen's truck!
In the lagoon pool!
Four buff dudes!
Man, look at that baby model, showing off his new trunks!
The sand monster returns...this time with a weapon.
Playing in the submarine at Shipwreck Island!
Good thing this plumber was on call 24/7.
It's Crocodile Hunter Mitchee!
Family picture!
Family picture with "Uncle" David and Daniel
My brother and his family!
Look at that white hair!