
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's all about Mitch

So John checked the blog, which he hadn't done in quite sometime, since its blocked at his school and he was really disappointed in me. There were hardly any pics of Mitchell and if there were they were with Shelby. I haven't done this intentionally, because i really do still take pictures of him. I guess its just that with Shelby, something new is going on each month and she's changing so quickly that i have more to say with her. So i'm not doing it intentionally Mitchell when you read this 20 years from now! HAHA So here's a tribute to my man Mitch!

A little about Mitchell:
If you are around Mitchell much you will find out that he has quite the imagination and he's hardly ever himself. He's usually Batman...a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle...a Ben 10 monster...or whatever his imagination is thinking about at the time.
One of his favorite things to do is to have sword fights with his daddy. They'll go running through the house and its very entertaining for Shelby!

He has hardly no fear. There's a new skatepark at the Charlie Daniels Park. We went yesterday since it was so nice out and when i got there he was going down the ramp saying, "I'm gonna rip this up" (lingo learned from his daddy)

He's getting very big. He'll be 4 in July, but i bought him some size 4 swimming trunks the other day and i couldn't even get them over his rear! He's in 5T jeans and mostly 5 T shirts! I think he got his daddy's build!

He loves school (Mother's Day Out) This is him and his buddy Cole. He has really learned a lot this year!

He's a little ham. We went to my old college Thursday night for a basketball game and he was out on the floor dancing and flirting with girls. Yet another attribute he gets from his daddy! :)

He's my little love bug! At night time after we have read books and prayed, he'll grab my hand and say, "Let's snuggle" Melts my heart! He's very affectionate too. He loves kissing his Shelbers and just about anyone really! I keep asking him if he'll still kiss me like that when he's 12. He says yes, but we'll see!

A couple other funny stories:
We were driving Friday and we passed a green house (his fav. color) so he told me when those people died, he wanted to live in their house!
I was ready a book to him and he needed to get up to get something, so he told me to pause it!
Today in church he told me he had to poot, so he got under the chair and pooted down there. (At least he's considerate of others) HAHA
Gotta love that kid!


Unknown said...

Oh Mitch. He is the sweetest three year old I know. And I remember at my birthday, he was the only one to make sure I had a cupcake before himself! Love you guys. Those stories cracked me up. I was reading and laughed out loud. Mom jumped and was like "What??". Funny little Mitch :)

JessicaBates said...

Um, the third picture from the bottom - can you say model?! He's so cute and handsome!! Miss you cuz!

Sarah said...

He is just a doll, Kristin. You better watch will be beating girls off with a stick!

Craftysis7 said...

You are a great mom!!