
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pigeon Forge

WARNING: Picture overload on this blog. Had too many pics from vacation, so i tried going through them the best i could! We were supposed to go to the beach with Pops/Gram, Karla and her family, and Daniel & David, but we didn't want to chance the oil situation with the little ones, so we ended up going to Pigeon Forge for the week. Pops and Gram came up a couple nights too! We had a great time and the kiddos were great! Shelby was such a trooper-she was in the stroller most of the time(as you will see in most of the pics), but she was happy as could be! Enjoy the pics!
SO happy to finally be on vacation, even though our plans got changed!
I think she's happy too!

It's hard getting a 9 month old attention when there's so much going on around!

Mitch enjoying the mushroom!

I guess she thinks its funny having water on your face!

And the race is on...

Walking around with daddy!

First time to drive a go-kart by himself. He did good, aexcept when he kept looking at me and not straight ahead! He's got his racing face on!

I guess it helps you drive better when you squint one of your eyes. I have like 5 pics with him looking just like this!

What a difference a year makes. Mitchell rode on one of these 3 story wooden go kart tracks last year and didnt like it one bit. This year he came down the ramp the first time looking just like this!

I think he may have been squirting Pops here!

I think he may have gone down this 253 time while we were there!

Pops and Gram made it up on Wed night! It was great to spend time with them!


My little buddy!

Our best attempt at a family picture!

Mitchell being silly with the rabbits!

Shelby got to ride something!

Picture with the singing Santa!

We got one free horseback ride with our hotel stay. We didn't know it was going to be in the parking lot, but Mitchell didn't mind at all. This was his first time on a horse and he really liked it! Darla (the horse) even gave him a horseshoe to take home!

Shelby, having fun watching brother ride Ms. Darla!

Giddy-up horsey!

She even gave him a kiss goodbye!

On the way home we stopped in at the Knoxville Zoo. Thanks to our membership at Nashville we got in for free! Mitchell in the birds nest-it looks like he's trying to lay one! HAHA

Look at that 5 foot wingspan!

The zoo had an indoor place called WeePlay. Mitchell loved it. It had a play vet., kitchen, a place for Shelby to crawl around, and other fun things. It was nice to go inside for some A/C for a while!

Shelby enjoyed making a mess in the veterniary's office!

Doing a performance on stage. He was probably singing Jonas Brothers. He loves their songs ever since Aunt Jamie burnt him a cd with diff. Disney songs on them.

Dr. Carey checking out his favorite animal-a penguin.

This picture cracks me up!

Shelby had a blast crawling around in the infant place. She especially liked looking at herself in the mirror! :)

Mithchell pretending to be a cook at Wasabi. He loved cutting the fruits and veggies. Grandma would be proud!

Petting a fluffy bunny!


chesley said...

cute pics!! it's seriously scary how much they look alike!

JessicaBates said...

Those pics are great! Looks like you guys had a fun family vacation. I always loved Pigeon Forge. Mitchell looks so solemn on the horse! -- So funny. And Shelby looks like the happiest baby I've ever seen. Pretty pretty.

Audrey said...

Looks like lots of fun..your little ones are so cute!
