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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

35 week check-up

Had my 35 week check-up today. Mitchell has been going with me here lately because he likes reading the books in the waiting room and seeing the nurse and doctor. Well i think we read every book in there today because we had to wait about an hour to get back to the doc. He did an ultrasound and i'm measuring one week and a day ahead! So according to the charts i'm 35 weeks tomorrow but the ultrasound says 36 wks. 2 days! He said she's already 6 lbs. 8 oz., so it looks like she may end up being a little bigger than Mitchell, unless she decides to come early. She is head down, but she's not down in the birth canal yet, so it looks like she wants to bake a little longer! Said her breathing looked good and my fluids. And another important thing-he didn't see any boy parts! HAHA So it looks like my time is drawing near! We were planning on going out of town to Chattanooga this weekend for a last trip for Mitchell, but a really good friend of John's late mom passed away last night, so we aren't sure when the funeral will be. But i'll keep everyone updated from here on out! He'll start checking me every week starting next Thursday!


Jessica said...

Glad Shelby's safe and you're safe! I can't wait to see her pretty face :) And what a sweetie, Mitchell and his books :) Love you!

andrea said...

Wow, the last month always flies by so quickly. Enjoy some one on one time with Mitchell :0)

chesley said...

can't believe you're so close already! enjoy your last weeks with one kiddo!