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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another girl for the Carey's!

Cousin Maddie is VERY excited to announce that she'll be having a little sister sometime around the first of May! Now Maddie won't be outnumbered when she's around her boy cousins! It doesn't really matter anyways because she holds her ground very well! They are still trying to decide the exact spelling, but they are thinking Charlie Jo! LOVE IT! We are so happy for the Floyds and can't wait to meet Miss Charlie!


Craftysis7 said...

Congratulations to all!!! I know eveyone is excited about another little girl, and if she looks like little Maddie she will be a very beautiful sweet thing!

The Bates Girls! said...

Ok that is great...but what about our side of the fam! You and John have got to get to work..Chelsea is itching to buy those little girl clothes at Gap! Up to you and Tif right now.

Amy said...

I love this picture of Maddie! She is sooo cute!