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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Grandma & Papaw's playground!

Grandma & Papaw worked all day Saturday building this awesome 8x8 sandbox and putting the new swingset together. The boys all got to try them out yesterday and absolutely loved it! I think Nolen's favorite part was the sandbox because he got to play with all of his bulldozers and trucks. Trevor's fav. part had to be the slide. He's been watching cousin Mitchell way too much and has become a climber. He just kept trying to climb up the slide and kept falling back down! It's really hard to tell what Mitchell's fav. part was. He's just so busy he just kept going from one thing to the other. After sandbox and swingset play was over, Mitchell and Nolen decided that they wanted to play in the pool, so they sat at the top of the steps and splashed each other. We had to strip them down once they were done, but they had a blast.
Mitchell took an almost 4 hour nap after his morning of playing with his cousins, hey Jamie, you wanna bring the boys over everyday?? HAHA But once he woke up he went straight to my car, climbed into his carseat (very rare) and tryed buckling himself in. Then he pointed to the front and kept saying "keys". I'm thinking that he went to sleep thinking about how much fun he had then woke up thinking the same. We didn't go back to Grandma's (she was planting flowers) so Mitchell settled to going to the park with his mommy and daddy!
The best picture we could get of all three of them together.
Playing in the sand with the "diggers"

Cheese! Nolie loves the sand!

Little Trevor man trying to climb Mt. Slide!

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